Unlock The Magic of PD

Professional Development for Teachers

Professional Development for Teachers Professional development for teachers should be more than just a mandatory requirement or a box to check off; it should be an inspiring and invigorating experience that reignites teachers’ passion for their profession. After all, teachers are the heart of education, and just as they strive

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attention getters

8 New Attention Getters for Boring Classrooms

Attention Getters Are your attention getters getting a bit stale? In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of education, capturing and maintaining the attention of students is a paramount challenge for educators. As teachers strive to create engaging and effective learning environments, the role of attention-getters in the classroom becomes increasingly

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True or False Morning Meeting Game to Elevate Learning

Morning Meeting Game Morning meetings are an essential part of the classroom routine, setting the tone for the day and fostering a positive learning environment. A Morning Meeting Game can be a game-changer for your classroom community! My students love this fun and engaging Morning Meeting Game that injects an

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Classroom Management Strategies with Morning Meeting Games

Classroom Management Strategies As dedicated educators, we understand that maintaining a positive and engaging learning environment is crucial for student success. Classroom management strategies play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. One highly effective approach to enhance classroom management is by incorporating behavior incentives into Morning Meeting Games or

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Implementing Technology Tools for Classroom Management and Engagement

Implementing technology tools for classroom management and engagement in today’s technology-driven era, teachers have access to a plethora of resources that can revolutionize instruction. One such valuable technology tool is Teachflix.org, an educational platform specifically designed to enhance learning through curated video content. In this blog post, we will explore

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Classroom Management Strategies

Classroom Management Strategies

Classroom Management Strategies As an educator, you are undoubtedly familiar with students whose behaviors seem to spiral out of control. Whether it’s talking in class, arguing with teachers and other students, or more serious offenses such as bullying or truancy, when student behavior starts to become unmanageable it can create

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Use a Video of The Day to Raise Engagement!

Video of The Day Do you need more ideas for Morning Meeting? A Video of The Day during Morning Meeting is the next step to creating stronger connections and inferencing skills with your students. Using visuals like a Video of Day with teaching is important because visuals or videos keep

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Try a Picture of The Day to Close The Academic Gap!

Do your students need to practice their inferencing skills with a Picture of The Day? Students need to practice their inferencing skills before becoming really great at them as independent readers. Students can infer during Morning Meeting Classroom time while also working on their observation skills. A fun picture of

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Hi, I'm Heather!

I teach teachers like you how to transform your class into your dream class by implementing different classroom management strategies, engagement hacks, and a new type of Morning Meeting. I live in Quincy, Illinois with my husband, Tim, my daughter, Magnolia, and our dog, Bella. I have a strong passion for exercising, coffee, and teaching!